Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pipelines & Pipeline Pigging

While buildup in a pipeline can cause transmittal slows or even plugging of the pipeline, cracks or flaws in the line can be disastrous. A form of flow assurance for oil and gas pipelines and flowlines, pipeline pigging ensures the line is running smoothly. In the remainder of this article, Laversab Oilfield Systems will introduce the basics of pipelines.

The maintenance tool, pipeline pigs are introduced into the line via a pig trap, which includes a launcher and receiver. Without interrupting flow, the pig is then forced through it by product flow, or it can be towed by another device or cable. Usually cylindrical or spherical, pigs sweep the line by scraping the sides of the pipeline and pushing debris ahead. As the travel along the pipeline, there are a number functions the pig can perform, from clearing the line to inspecting the interior.

There are two main hypotheses for why the process is called "pipeline pigging," although neither have been proved. One theory is that "pig" stands for Pipeline Intervention Gadget. The other states that a leather-bound pig was being sent through the pipeline, and while it passed, the leather squeaked against the sides of the pipe, sounding like a squealing pig.

Engineers must consider a number of criteria when selecting the proper pig for a pipeline. First, it's important to define what task the pig will be performing. Also, size and operating conditions are important to regard. Finally, pipeline layout is integral to consider when choosing a pig.

Because every pipeline is different, there is not a set schedule for pigging a line, although the quantity of debris collected in a pipeline and the amount of wear and tear on it can increase the frequency of pigging. Today, pipeline pigging is used during all phases of the life of a pipeline.

Types of Pipeline Pigs

Although first used simply to clear the line, the purpose of pipeline pigging has evolved with the development of technologies. Utility pigs are inserted into the pipeline to remove unwanted materials, such as wax, from the line. Inline inspection pigs can also be used to examine the pipeline from the inside, and specialty pigs are used to plug the line or isolate certain areas of the line. Lastly, gel pigs are a liquid chemical pigging system.

Similar to cleaning your plumbing line, utility pigs are used to clean the pipeline of debris or seal the line. Debris can accumulate during construction, and the pipeline is pigged before production commences. Also, debris can build up on the pipeline, and the utility pig is used to scrape it away. Additionally, sealing pigs are used to remove liquids from the pipeline, as well as serve as an interface between two different products within a pipeline. Types of utility pigs include mandrel pigs, foam pigs, solid cast pigs and spherical pigs.

Inspection pigs, also referred to as in-line inspection pigs or smart pigs, gather information about the pipeline from within. . The type of information gathered by smart pigs includes the pipeline diameter, curvature, bends, temperature and pressure, as well as corrosion or metal loss. Inspection pigs utilize two methods to gather information about the interior condition of the pipeline: magnetic flux leakage (MFL) and ultrasonics (UT). MFL inspects the pipeline by sending magnetic flux into the walls of the pipe, detecting leakage, corrosion, or flaws in the pipeline. Ultrasonic inspection directly measures the thickness of the pipe wall by using ultrasonic sounds to measure the amount of time it takes an echo to return to the sensor.

To be continued...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Crude Oil

Crude oil, a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons with various compositions (especially paraffins, napthenes, aromatics) with different sized molecules and which is liquid under reservoir conditions, is among the most important natural resources of the industrialized nations. It can be used to generate heat, drive machinery, and fuel vehicles and airplanes. Its components are also used to manufacture the majority of the chemical products in existence: plastics, detergents, paints, and even medicines and antibiotics. That is an incredibly wide range of products - all of great utility to man's well-being. Laversab Oilfield Systems has identified what a magnificent discovery crude oil has been for mankind, and is making every effort to help man maximize the amount of oil he can extract from the depths of the earth. Laversab is committed to expanding the world's technical capacity to discover new sources and extend the production lives of existing oil fields. The rig floor computer that Laversab manufactures and distributes is just one of many tools used to do just that - to expand man's technical ability to maximize oil production.

Life Without Oil

Society as it exists today would cease to function as it does without oil. Practically every industry, every venture, from the mom-and-pop stores to the largest corporate behemoths of the 21st century, relies on crude oil. An average of forty percent of all of our textiles and woven fabrics contain oil. Up to forty billion liters of oil a year are used to make the CDs and DVDs we use to download systems software, listen to hip music, and watch great movies. Without oil, it'd be, if not impossible, at the very least, quite difficult to do those things. And, that sofa you're sitting - that is made of oil as well. A single sofa contains 60 liters of oil. Modern life is practically inconceivable without crude oil. The entire world consumes a whopping 14 billion liters of oil every single day.

Laversab Oilfield Systems

Needless to say, oil is an incredibly important resource and an integral part of the proper functioning of our lives. Without it, our society would come to an instant halt. Laversab Oilfield Systems is committed to preventing such a calamitous halt from taking place. The company's commitment to maximizing oil production has made them the market's undisputed leader in the oilfield systems industry. It is the goal of the inimitable founder, Mr. Balsaver, and the rest of the indefatigable workers and engineers at Laversab Oilfield Systems to remain number one in this industry.